Written on 17 October 2012: It's 3.58am in Sheffield now, and I'm freezing despite having 2 layers of clothes on. Froze to consciousness. Duvets and pillows are still in the storage, yet to be collected.
I still remember the day when I booked my air tickets, I had doubts on the idea of being back in Kuching for 3 months.
And to think about it, 3 months wasnt as long as I thought.
It felt odd the moment I set foot in UK after long hours of flight and transit. But it has definitely taught me how to book better tickets next time.
Put that aside, here's a recap of things I did during Summer Holidays.
Cooking session!
Celebrated my cousin's birthday!
Standing eggs on Dumpling Festival!
Steamboat & BBQ session!
Eggs with red colouring to celebrate birthdays!
Dim Sum buffet! (Scary)
Visited Kuching Sentral, the newest integrated regional bus station.

Visited Jong's Crocodile Farm!
Breakfast sessions with family!
Had delicious Taiwanese Tea with Ramen and Bubbles!
Banana-cake baking session!
Cheese Souffle!
Went to my friend's house a lot for random stuff! This dog has been a part of their family since I was in Secondary 2 or 3!
Hari Raya celebrations! (1Malaysia spirit!)
Joined the 30 Hour Famine Camp!
Had awesome food cooked by my beloved sister!
Sent both my beloved friends off for studies!
Ate durian for the very first time in my life!
Family, friends, and food.
Summer holidays back in Kuching, was just great I'd say.
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